Speedpack Zipper Dampener Installation
The Why:

When riding with your 480 or 483 series Speedpack over rough roads,
you may sometimes hear the pack's zipper pulls rattle slightly. The
reason we use metal YKK zipper pulls is because it allows us to source
reliable and high-quality two-way hidden zippers from the USA. And,
more important, because the small metal pulls (vs. rubber or cord-type
pulls) lay much flatter on the pack, which means better aerodynamics.
If you want to silence your zipper pulls when riding on rough roads,
every 480/483 series Speedpack comes with two optional zipper
pull dampeners (inside a small ziplock bag stapled to the directions).
Installing these optional dampeners is quick and easy, and you'll get a
perfect fit. You'll need nothing but your Speedpack, the zipper
dampeners, and some hot water.
Easy Installation Directions:

Take your Speedpack off your bike and
empty it of all cargo items. Also remove the Speedpack's plastic insert.
Then close the pack's zipper so that it is closed near the highest spot
of the Speedpack body. Position the two zipper sliders so they touch one
another. Take the two pieces of black tubing and slide one over each of
the Speedpack's zipper pulls, so that the end of each piece of tubing is
about flush with, but just covers, the end of the zipper pull.
Fill a ceramic coffee mug to the brim with very hot boiling water.
You can do this by microwaving the cup and water together (using a
microwave safe cup), or you can fill a mug with
boiling water from a tea kettle. In either case, it is important that
the mug be filled very close to the top. (WARNING: boiling water is
extremely hot, so be very careful not spill it on yourself or on anyone else.)
Set the mug of hot water in a safe
spot. Then take your empty Speedpack, bend it slightly near where the
zipper sliders are positioned, and then hold the pack upside down so
that the zipper pulls hang down at the lowest point on the upside down

Dip only the zipper pulls (with the tubing pieces over them) in the hot
water for approximately 30 seconds. Do not dip any other part of the Speedpack in the hot water,
see photo »»»
While you are dipping the zipper
pulls in the hot water, the tubing pieces will shrink from the heat and
create a form fit over the metal pulls. After 30 seconds, remove the
Speedpack and let the zipper pulls cool.
After cooling, if the zipper pulls
are a little stiff, just move them back and forth a few times to loosen
them and position them as desired.
Replace the Speedpack's plastic
insert, reinstall the pack, and the process is complete. On very rough
roads, the zippers pulls may still move a little, but zipper noise
will be essentially eliminated.
Enjoy your Speedpack and ride like the wind.